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不可否认,回到工作、生活和日程安排的常规中是苦乐参半的. But, 跟玫瑰的日子说再见是多么悲伤, sunshine and sandy feet for some time, 秋天是利用我们根深蒂固的返校能量和动力的好时机, and dig in to a great home project.  

So long as you are back to the grind, 我们再给你一件需要考虑的事情:为你的度假屋装修厨房. 这正是计划和启动厨房项目的时候,为你的家, 我们正在为思想提供大量的食物. 以下设计代表了BDG顶级专业人士的风格, along with some highlights of each kitchen. 我们希望这些想法能让你自己的厨房焕然一新——在阵亡将士纪念日揭晓的时候. 

Vaulted Ceiling Farmhouse kitchen

MacNelly Cohen Architects; Photography by Bob Gothard

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Muntin-free picture windows  奇尔马克的景色,玛莎的葡萄园,被邀请进来,没有中断或阻碍. 2) A warm mix of wood  Exaggerated window casings, 蜂蜜色的外露梁和多节的软木地板结合在一起,形成了一种吸引人的效果. 3) An inspired color palette  奶油色的木制品、油漆和闪闪发光的铜围裙水槽被后挡板上的蓝灰色瓷砖所抵消, 是什么把草地的冷色调吸引过来, sea and sky. 

Coastal Kitchen on the Cape

LDa Architecture & Interiors

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) The custom-made island  Designed by LDa Architecture & Interiors, 房间的中心装饰有瀑布的边缘, 橡木染色看起来像胡桃木和微妙的船饰细节. 2) Soft and soothing materials  凯撒石台面和DiscoverTile的蓝色玻璃马赛克瓷砖创造了一个别致而宁静的背景. 3) Lighting  岛上悬挂的三联浮标给空间增添了水手的氛围,并增加了兴趣.

Coastal Kitchen, Sophisticated Style

Cape Associates, Inc.

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Refrigerator drawers  Easy-access, 双冰箱门位于灶台左侧, 增加柜台空间,腾出地面空间. 2) The wood backsplash  Cape Associates的木制品店用堆叠的胡桃木和胡桃木打造了一个令人惊叹的定制后挡板. 古色古香的松木地板被染色,以呼应图案中最暗的色调. 3) The flow  Via French doors, 厨房直接延伸到封闭的门廊和花园,无缝衔接, alfresco living.

Coastal Kitchen, Transitional Style

Thomas J. O'Neill, Inc.

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Glass-fronted cabinetry  清亮的橱柜为空间增添了些许光亮, and spotlights the items within. 2) Range detailing  灶台上罩着的灯罩给人一种更正式的感觉, 复杂的篮子编织后挡板也是如此. 3) Woven rush seating  意想不到的高脚凳使整体看起来更轻松.   

Coastal Kitchen, Mix of Materials

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) The peninsula  Topped in honed white marble, 这个u形的柜台将就餐厨房和餐厅划分为烹饪和用餐区域. 2) Copper doors  从纽约市立博物馆抢救出来的, 这些滑动铜门由Rock Pond Kitchens清洗和抛光,非常适合1836年的住宅. 3) Mix-and-match chairs  引人注目的锌桌子周围的椅子故意不匹配, to “relax the room, and make it friendly and inviting,” says owner Paul Lazes.
Coastal Kitchen Chic
Roomscapes Cabinetry and Design Center; photography by Derek Vellmann
TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Classic seaside detailing  柔和的水色调共存与清脆的白色修剪和船舶褶皱, which extends off the living area, to adorn the walls, backsplash and decorative alcoves. 2) Maximum storage  Custom cabinetry for barware, 服务器和其他娱乐必需品比比皆是, 包括在邻近的酒吧区有自己用的饮料和零食抽屉. 3) Thoughtful circulation  开放式空间与起居区和广阔的平台相结合, 并且有一个储藏室入口,非常适合卸下杂货.
Coastal Kitchen, French-Inspired

Sherman Associates LLC.

TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Throwback charm and modern amenities 高高的天花板和重新锯过的心松木椽子让这间小厨房不显得拥挤, 而今天的电器(比如岛上的饮料冰箱)提供了现代化的便利. 2) Bespoke cabinetry  The craftsmanship of Crown Point Cabinetry is accentuated by Farrow & Ball’s mood-lifting “Cook’s Blue” paint. 3) A separate pantry  这个偏僻的地方放冰箱, canned and dry goods, 并且可以进入后院和室外淋浴.

Coastal Kitchen, Contemporary Classic
Ricciardi Marble & Granite; interior design by Donna ElleArchitecture by William Lee Architects and Associates; construction by Cataldo Custom Builders, Inc.; cabinetry by Faneuil Kitchen Cabinet; photography by Dan Cutrona and Greg Premru
TAKE NOTE OF: 1) Gleaming marble countertops Ricciardi Marble & 花岗岩制作并安装了沿着厨房周边的Calacatta cremo台面. 2) The driftwood-toned island  由Donna Elle Interiors的Donna Elle设计,由Faneuil Kitchen Cabinet建造, 这个有着斜边的铜色橡木岛让人联想到沙丘. 3) Wood lanterns  Nantucket Lightshop的白色灯笼是传统灯笼照明的更新版本.​
Main image: Furnishings by Nantucket Looms Interior Design Studio; construction, tiling and hardware by Allan LaFrance

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